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You may be wondering, why now? Why October 2020? I’ve known about the World Race for years and I kept putting it off and telling myself “I’ll do it one day.”
In the spring of 2019 I was in the process of applying to do the World Race in January 2020. Knowing that my brother would be getting married in the fall of 2020, I asked how I would be able to do both. Simple answer, I couldn’t do both. I knew I couldn’t miss my brother’s wedding. So there I was pushing the World Race off the calendar. However, God knew my heart and was still working in mine to not give up and to not throw the opportunity of ever doing the World Race out of the window.
I continued to pray of when I should do the World Race, if I should at all. Two things helped me realize that now is the time.
A family friend passed away from cancer and he was only in his 60s. I realized many things during this time of grieving, but one of the things was that my parents aren’t getting any younger. What if I wait to do this year long journey, and then my parents need help or are seriously hurt or sick. I knew I would need to be around to help them in any way I could. This thought process helped me make my decision to do it now.
I asked people “when do we know when the time is right?” After I talked to people, I bottled it down to, is it something I still have a passion for, to travel and serve people…yes. Is God going to be pleased with the decision to do the World Race….absolutely. God wants us to be happy; serving and traveling makes me happy. Plus, Christians are called to tell all the nations about God. So here I am; World Race October 2020 here I come!