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After Vietnam, I will be going to Cambodia! Here are some interesting facts about this beautiful country.
-Cambodia is filled with millions of land mines. They were placed there years ago during the war. To make the country safer today, they have a land mine removal trust to take away all the land mines that are still there today.

-Mopeds are everywhere! Out of a population of 1.5 million people, there are 1.3 million mopeds.

-The first crop that was grown before the first century, AD is rice!

-In this country, people don’t usually celebrate birthdays. In fact many people don’t even know when their birthday is. 

-Cambodia has the largest salt water lake in this part of the world. It is called the Tonle Sap and in the rainy season causes a lot of flooding issues in the region. This area is known to be called “the heartland of Cambodia.”

Hopefully I can see the largest salt water lake in Southeast Asia, eat rice, ride a moped, not get blown up by a land mine and of course spread the love of Jesus to all the people I meet.


Sarah Nicholson