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Thoughts & Inspiration

Doubt. Fear. Those things can creep into my thoughts and if I’m not careful, those words can take over.

If doubt had a voice it would say, “Maybe you didn’t hear God correctly. Do you really think God would tell you to do the World Race with the coronavirus making people sick, leaving families to bury loved ones, and when the economy is at its worst.”

If fear had a voice it would say, “What if you don’t get the funds to do the World Race? You should back out now before you embarrass yourself. If you go, what if your family needs you while your overseas and you can’t fly back. If you go, you may get the virus, spread the virus and could possibly even die because you went out into the world and exposed yourself to this awful disease .”  

Doubt and fear are far from the truth, but those thoughts still creep in and I start to wonder. Yes, it is good with be aware of all possibilities, the good and the bad. However, it is not okay for those negative thoughts to take over all of my thoughts. I should not live in doubt or in fear. As Christians, we are called to think about things that are true, honorable, pure, lovely, commendable etc. (Philippians 4:8) In the next verse it says that whatever we have learned from the Lord, we should practice these things. That every good and perfect gift comes from our Father and our Father never changes. (James 1:17) So what thoughts should I be thinking?

 Faith. Trust.  

If faith had a voice, it would say, “Stay steadfast in what the Bible tells you about God’s character and never stop believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

If trust had a voice, it would say, “God would never lead you astray. His plan and His timing is pure and just. God’s plan is far better than yours; so have confidence that He has your best interest in mind.”  

I have faith in God! I believe that anything is possible with Him. I know that God has put the World Race on my heart, but I need to trust in His timing. No matter if I do the World Race in October or next year, His plan is better than mine.


Matthew 17:20 “He [God] said to them, ‘Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”


Sarah Nicholson